100 Million tokens will be burned for 1 User
100 Billion tokens will be burned every 1000 users
These operations will continue until 95% of the maximum supply is burned

We are happy to announce that $IVY token has a deflationary structure. IVY token, which has a maximum supply of 10 Trillion units, will be burned until its maximum supply is 500 billion units. That means 95% of the maximum supply will be burned. All the details about cremation are as follows:
How will I be burned?
For every user who starts using the Ivy Live application, 100,000,000 units will be burned. The burning event will be completed when the number of users reaches 95,000.
When will the cremations take place?
The incinerations will be carried out 95 times in total, with 100 billion incinerations occurring every 1,000 users.
Why is cremation done?
The Ivy Live application provides its economic cycle within the application through the $IVY token. By reducing the total supply in a user-oriented manner, the amount on the blockchain is reduced by burning the $IVY token in order to make it more rare and thus maintain its value and even become more valuable.
Is it possible to burn more $IVY tokens at 95%?
Yes it is possible. However, after 95% burning is completed, a burning program will be announced based on the transactions users will make with IVY tokens, not the number of users.
How can I keep track of burns?
100 billion burns for every 1,000 users will be shared on https://t.me/ivy_community and https://twitter.com/ivylive_io accounts. To view how many tokens are currently available, you can take a look at https://bscscan.com/token/0x903beFFC8eCC50841373D0ECc2CA53Fa4B04C31F.
Have you ever been burned before?
Previous testing has been done to show that $IVY token can be burned. You can see on this page https://bscscan.com/tx/0x9449e6cf697bf0ad43f4d76bc6638c14a0eee2956f1e3347fc1f8e4a458873cb that 1 $IVY token was burned for testing purposes.
Where can I buy $IVY token?
If you want to buy it from the decentralized exchange, you can buy it from Pancakeswap, if you want to buy it from the central exchange, you can buy it from Bitforex, Toobit and Xeggex exchanges.
You can comment below with any other questions you may have about burning the $IVY token. Joın https://ivy.live/ Download: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ivylive